Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, will look a little different for everyone. But if you notice you’re more irritable, your sleeping or eating patterns have changed, or you’re more anxious or depressed, you might be experiencing SAD.
We’re sharing four things that can help you find a mood boost in the darkest, coldest days of winter. We recommend creating a list you can easily reference, either in a notebook or on your phone’s notes app, of things that make you feel good. Either take inspiration from the ideas below or brainstorm your own! Personalizing an approach to support yourself through the next few months is a great way to show yourself some love.
This can come in many forms, like a regular coffee date with a friend, scheduled therapy sessions, or speaking to your doctor about medication. Consider who in your life makes you feel supported and tap into that! If you feel intimidated going to the doctor, read this blog post for a little confidence boost.
When you’re feeling depressed taking care of your body is often something that gets put on the back burner. Finding small ways to show your body some love is a great way to give yourself a mood boost, even if it feels like a challenge at first. This might look like brushing your teeth, lovingly washing your face with warm water, eating nourishing food, or putting on different clothes.
This might feel like the last thing you want to do, so try and make a deal with yourself that you’ll move for just 10 minutes and then stop if you want to. Often, you’ll find that you feel a bit lighter after moving your body. Experiment with what feels good to you: a YouTube yoga video, running on a treadmill (so you can get off exactly where you started!), or crank some music you love and dance around the house!
It is no secret that a few days of cloudy weather will affect anyone’s mood, but especially if you suffer from SAD. When the sun does come out, try gazing out the window or, if you’re feeling up to it, get out for a walk while the sun shines. Fresh air and sunshine can be a powerful combination to get you feeling more positive. If where you live has more grey days than not, you might want to invest in a light therapy lamp.
There is no one-quick-fix for SAD, but showing yourself compassion and giving yourself what you need every day will go a long way to seeing you through the winter season. And remind yourself that spring will come again.
💛Your peace awaits.